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 FML ▪ written in the stars.

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Harleen F. Quinzel
dérangé mental
Harleen F. Quinzel
› crédits : @girls (avatar) @tumblr (gif, icons) @séléné (signa).

› célébrité : samara.

› puff : æternam.

FML ▪ written in the stars. 5228bce27018c5c6a9a382ff26e8888ac4d4bf22

› nom de code : she's nuts, she's gone and she's pure of evil ; harley quinn, dare ya.

› âge du personnage : time flies ; forgotten.

› situation professionelle : this need to be noticed, in any way she could be. remember her as impredictable, far as she was before.

› ville d'origine : sweet gotham.

FML ▪ written in the stars. Tumblr_pvvsuhK0u51uikt1jo4_540 FML ▪ written in the stars. Tumblr_pvvsuhK0u51uikt1jo6_540 FML ▪ written in the stars. Tumblr_pvvsuhK0u51uikt1jo1_540

FML ▪ written in the stars. 1cf82d355bc200fc2fecc223e85092798a7e3a16

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sujets rp 01 rp 02 rp 03 rp 04 - ( indisponible ).

MessageSujet: FML ▪ written in the stars.   FML ▪ written in the stars. EmptyVen 31 Juil - 23:44

hello les amis FML ▪ written in the stars. 2219549621 alors je vais me présenter un petit peu ; moi c'est séléné FML ▪ written in the stars. 4181078740 je code et je graphe depuis de nombreuses années maintenant. ma principale vocation, c'est le codage, mais j'ai finis par m'intéresser à photoshop et, grâce à une amie en études de graphisme qui a une expérience plus poussée que la mienne, j'ai pu atteindre le niveau que j'ai aujourd'hui, merci à elle. je suis très loin d'être une pro, et j'ai encore beaucoup de choses à apprendre, mais j'aime beaucoup faire des avatars, des gifs entre personnages de membres et quelques montages, et c'est principalement ce que je vais montrer ici. FML ▪ written in the stars. 3203592359 j'aime beaucoup coder des petites signatures, aussi, alors je risque de vous en afficher aussi !

je vais débuter par quelques petits gifs que j'ai commencé à faire. FML ▪ written in the stars. 4127182119 FML ▪ written in the stars. 4127182119

joker & harley

harley & ivy

lois & clark

harley & floyd

diana & donna
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Lois J. Lane
la veuve et l'orphelin
Lois J. Lane
› crédits : @alcuna licenza. (avatar) @tumblr (gifs) @séléné (signa).

› célébrité : ana.

› puff : æternam.

FML ▪ written in the stars. 8c2cc2f06fb24571624811cda4e97a4bd0683c55

› nom de code : none.

› âge du personnage : years are just more experience.

› situation professionelle : that woman, she's obsessed with the truth. eventually, someday, it will come out, and blow like a bomb.

› ville d'origine : metropolis is her haven.

FML ▪ written in the stars. Tumblr_oepdv1TjSv1uacyv8o1_250 FML ▪ written in the stars. Tumblr_oepdv1TjSv1uacyv8o5_250 FML ▪ written in the stars. Tumblr_oepdv1TjSv1uacyv8o6_250

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sujets rp 01 rp 02 rp 03 - ( indisponible ).

FML ▪ written in the stars. 838d66e4a00f67bdaff5083842760032a70bbf46

MessageSujet: Re: FML ▪ written in the stars.   FML ▪ written in the stars. EmptyDim 16 Aoû - 19:32

hello FML ▪ written in the stars. Herz de retour avec quelques avatars cadeaux FML ▪ written in the stars. 4152163670

@pamela l. isley
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Lois J. Lane
la veuve et l'orphelin
Lois J. Lane
› crédits : @alcuna licenza. (avatar) @tumblr (gifs) @séléné (signa).

› célébrité : ana.

› puff : æternam.

FML ▪ written in the stars. 8c2cc2f06fb24571624811cda4e97a4bd0683c55

› nom de code : none.

› âge du personnage : years are just more experience.

› situation professionelle : that woman, she's obsessed with the truth. eventually, someday, it will come out, and blow like a bomb.

› ville d'origine : metropolis is her haven.

FML ▪ written in the stars. Tumblr_oepdv1TjSv1uacyv8o1_250 FML ▪ written in the stars. Tumblr_oepdv1TjSv1uacyv8o5_250 FML ▪ written in the stars. Tumblr_oepdv1TjSv1uacyv8o6_250

place ★ ★ ★
sujets rp 01 rp 02 rp 03 - ( indisponible ).

FML ▪ written in the stars. 838d66e4a00f67bdaff5083842760032a70bbf46

MessageSujet: Re: FML ▪ written in the stars.   FML ▪ written in the stars. EmptyDim 16 Aoû - 19:34

@the joker
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Lois J. Lane
la veuve et l'orphelin
Lois J. Lane
› crédits : @alcuna licenza. (avatar) @tumblr (gifs) @séléné (signa).

› célébrité : ana.

› puff : æternam.

FML ▪ written in the stars. 8c2cc2f06fb24571624811cda4e97a4bd0683c55

› nom de code : none.

› âge du personnage : years are just more experience.

› situation professionelle : that woman, she's obsessed with the truth. eventually, someday, it will come out, and blow like a bomb.

› ville d'origine : metropolis is her haven.

FML ▪ written in the stars. Tumblr_oepdv1TjSv1uacyv8o1_250 FML ▪ written in the stars. Tumblr_oepdv1TjSv1uacyv8o5_250 FML ▪ written in the stars. Tumblr_oepdv1TjSv1uacyv8o6_250

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sujets rp 01 rp 02 rp 03 - ( indisponible ).

FML ▪ written in the stars. 838d66e4a00f67bdaff5083842760032a70bbf46

MessageSujet: Re: FML ▪ written in the stars.   FML ▪ written in the stars. EmptyDim 16 Aoû - 19:35

Revenir en haut Aller en bas
Lois J. Lane
la veuve et l'orphelin
Lois J. Lane
› crédits : @alcuna licenza. (avatar) @tumblr (gifs) @séléné (signa).

› célébrité : ana.

› puff : æternam.

FML ▪ written in the stars. 8c2cc2f06fb24571624811cda4e97a4bd0683c55

› nom de code : none.

› âge du personnage : years are just more experience.

› situation professionelle : that woman, she's obsessed with the truth. eventually, someday, it will come out, and blow like a bomb.

› ville d'origine : metropolis is her haven.

FML ▪ written in the stars. Tumblr_oepdv1TjSv1uacyv8o1_250 FML ▪ written in the stars. Tumblr_oepdv1TjSv1uacyv8o5_250 FML ▪ written in the stars. Tumblr_oepdv1TjSv1uacyv8o6_250

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sujets rp 01 rp 02 rp 03 - ( indisponible ).

FML ▪ written in the stars. 838d66e4a00f67bdaff5083842760032a70bbf46

MessageSujet: Re: FML ▪ written in the stars.   FML ▪ written in the stars. EmptyDim 16 Aoû - 19:37

@dick grayson
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Lois J. Lane
la veuve et l'orphelin
Lois J. Lane
› crédits : @alcuna licenza. (avatar) @tumblr (gifs) @séléné (signa).

› célébrité : ana.

› puff : æternam.

FML ▪ written in the stars. 8c2cc2f06fb24571624811cda4e97a4bd0683c55

› nom de code : none.

› âge du personnage : years are just more experience.

› situation professionelle : that woman, she's obsessed with the truth. eventually, someday, it will come out, and blow like a bomb.

› ville d'origine : metropolis is her haven.

FML ▪ written in the stars. Tumblr_oepdv1TjSv1uacyv8o1_250 FML ▪ written in the stars. Tumblr_oepdv1TjSv1uacyv8o5_250 FML ▪ written in the stars. Tumblr_oepdv1TjSv1uacyv8o6_250

place ★ ★ ★
sujets rp 01 rp 02 rp 03 - ( indisponible ).

FML ▪ written in the stars. 838d66e4a00f67bdaff5083842760032a70bbf46

MessageSujet: Re: FML ▪ written in the stars.   FML ▪ written in the stars. EmptyDim 16 Aoû - 19:39

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Pamela L. Isley
ni chaud ni froid
Pamela L. Isley
› crédits : Bambi Eyes (avatar)

› célébrité : Jessica Chastain

› puff : Uc

FML ▪ written in the stars. B50fce904a94b8af28df99489e1b1d023c9c6b39

› nom de code : Poison Ivy

› âge du personnage : 51 ans

› situation professionelle : Eco-terroriste

› ville d'origine : Gotham City

MessageSujet: Re: FML ▪ written in the stars.   FML ▪ written in the stars. EmptyDim 16 Aoû - 23:45

@Lois J. Lane
Tes avatars sont priceless ! FML ▪ written in the stars. 2219549621 FML ▪ written in the stars. 1012124319
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Lois J. Lane
la veuve et l'orphelin
Lois J. Lane
› crédits : @alcuna licenza. (avatar) @tumblr (gifs) @séléné (signa).

› célébrité : ana.

› puff : æternam.

FML ▪ written in the stars. 8c2cc2f06fb24571624811cda4e97a4bd0683c55

› nom de code : none.

› âge du personnage : years are just more experience.

› situation professionelle : that woman, she's obsessed with the truth. eventually, someday, it will come out, and blow like a bomb.

› ville d'origine : metropolis is her haven.

FML ▪ written in the stars. Tumblr_oepdv1TjSv1uacyv8o1_250 FML ▪ written in the stars. Tumblr_oepdv1TjSv1uacyv8o5_250 FML ▪ written in the stars. Tumblr_oepdv1TjSv1uacyv8o6_250

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sujets rp 01 rp 02 rp 03 - ( indisponible ).

FML ▪ written in the stars. 838d66e4a00f67bdaff5083842760032a70bbf46

MessageSujet: Re: FML ▪ written in the stars.   FML ▪ written in the stars. EmptyLun 17 Aoû - 12:15

contente qu'ils te plaisent FML ▪ written in the stars. 1189783301 !
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MessageSujet: Re: FML ▪ written in the stars.   FML ▪ written in the stars. Empty

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FML ▪ written in the stars.
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